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Check 21, Remote Deposit Capture and Check Fraud

Download the white paper from the following link: Check21andCheckFraud_2006-FRB.pdf

Click to access the PDF file directly in most browsers. To download the file to disk, right-click on the link and select "Save Target As..." (Internet Explorer) or "Save Link As..." (Mozilla Firefox).

The bulletin in PDF format requires Adobe Acrobat Reader to view. Download a free copy of Acrobat Reader from the Adobe site here.

In this white paper you will learn about:

  • The Check 21 Indemnity Clause
  • Liability in Check Conversion
  • Importance of Non-image-survivable Security Features
  • Check 21 Fraud Strategies

For more important information on the subject of Check 21 and check fraud, visit the Check 21 Section of the site.